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I am a girl with big dreams and a warm heart. I knew that I wanted to make the world a better place, and here I am, ready to start my journey.
My passion for traveling began the day I first saw the oceans immensity and power amazed me, and I realized that I wanted to see the whole world with my own eyes. I want to explore every corner of our planet, get to know new cultures and traditions, try local cuisine and learn new languages.
But I'm not just looking for adventures, I also want to help people. I want to become a volunteer and work in projects that help those in need.
When I'm not traveling, I like to spend time with my friends and family. We love to walk in the park, go to the cinema and cook together. I also like to read books and watch movies that inspire me to new adventures.
Most importantly, I want to be happy. I believe that happiness is not a destination, but a process. And I am ready to go through all the difficulties to achieve my goals and become happy
My favorite flowers. 🌷
Fanatic 😍🦹🏻♀️💥
Blonde 💋
Rules ❌
1) Tipmenu will show you all the options available in my room. Don't ask or beg for something that isn't on the menu.
2) INSULTS are not acceptable in any form. People who cannot control themselves, be prepared to receive a permanent BAN. Treat people the way you would like to be treated.
3) Advertising and mention of other models in any form also welcomes a permanent BAN.
4) I am tolerant of everyone and do not divide people into races. Mentioning any superiority will get you automatically banned.