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Ever fantasized about flirting with a mysterious lady on screen? Imagine not just chatting but playfully punishing them too. Welcome to Punishment Squad, where it’s all about cheeky games that won’t bare it all. Think light thigh slaps, rubber band zings, slippers for a soft chest tap, a little pinch here, and a warm wax drop there... Oh yes, these flirty little 'ouches' are all part of the fun you can have with the broadcasters. Tease them until they playfully plead, and if you're feeling a bit devilish, you might just keep them on their toes a bit longer...
Does it tug at your heartstrings to see these broadcasters in a playful pickle? Be her knight in shining armor, swoop in and save your favorite one. Then, maybe send a little mischief someone else's way—could be another broadcaster or even the male host. Now that’s a spicy twist!
The game has a host who decides the punishments and mini-games for each segment. The female guests who will be punished in each segment are determined by the results of the mini-games. When a female guest loses in a mini-game, she can choose to either accept the punishment or call for help; calling for help will require twice the amount of the punishment's set price. Generally, if a viewer rescues a female guest, the punishment will then be transferred to another female guest.
When a female guest is calling for help, viewers can also "finish her off," which means paying through the tip menu to have her accept the same or a different punishment. If the female guest currently has pending punishments, she must complete all of them before she can leave the stage to rest.