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Noch keine Bewertungen. Sei der Erste – starte eine Privat-Show!
Stream schedule <3
Monday - day off
Tuesday - solo stream (with Lisa)
Wednesday - solo stream (with Lisa)
Thursday - day off
my boosty for custom content!
(I added subscription levels there, take a look, you won't regret it!)
About me^^
Hey, guys! My name is Lisa. ^_^
I want to tell you a little about myself: I am a model, playful and beautiful. I love my hot body; my soul is full of wonder. I like to play computer games, draw and play the piano, and this is a small part of what I can still surprise you with! I am a cheerful, sweet, smart girl, ready to talk to you about everything in the world, be polite to me and we can become good friends.❤️
What's in my shows?
Let me surprise you ... Trust me ... I will do everything as you need ...
Guys try to remember that I have a life outside of this site, I have feelings, I am not a robot, I eat, sleep, I have problems just as you do. This is my job! Tokens are how I get paid, it helps me for a modest life and for my next studies. And....my dream it's to buy my own apartment, as now I live in rent.
Guys, I remind you of my photos and videos, as well as my fan club! There you can get privileges that no one else will have *-*
My fanclub :3
Guys! I was finally able to create a fan club for you! I'm so happy!
I'll tell you a little about the advantages of buying participation in my fanclub:
- you will have a special icon in the chat;
- get access to my content, which I make especially for the members of my fanclub;
- get access to free viewing of my secret shows;
- get access to my messengers (when purchasing the "Lord" level).
If you have any ideas what else I can do for you, for my fanclub members, I am always happy to give a new bonus for you!