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Noch keine Bewertungen. Sei der Erste – starte eine Privat-Show!
My Room=My Rules
I don't allow pet names, unless it's deserved.
Derserved= 2000tks/day spent.
No spam in my room.
Don't ask me to do something without a tip (HINT: Tip menu <3)
Dirty talk in tip notes, only.
Don’t promote other models
Respect everyone in this room.
Respect my rules
How I work:
Relaxed, discreet, and sexy cutie who loves to tease, play, and get all wet and messy. My focus lies in the physical aspect of my sexuality; touching myself and stuffing myself. During my broadcast, you may catch me working on other aspects of my girl-boss life, so, drop a token if you want my attention. Sometimes I have to be super discreet, because hubby may be working or napping <3 but I'm a bit more vocal when he does not require so much quiet. I still have to be mindful of my home, so I'm not the type to make much noise, usually, unless it's my music <33 Outside of my sexy time, I enjoy being active, focusing on activities that promote my well-being, cooking, doing yoga, and getting into nature. I'm a simple girl who knows what she likes and loves to share her sexcapades with other horny individuals. <3 Come encourage me to progress to gush, toys, and maybe even squirting orgasm :3
My Schedule
I stream when I'm ready to stream. Find me when I'm live, or check out my social media <3 If you miss me and want to reach out, feel free to send some love through the offline messenger Plasma.
LinkTree 🌳
Find my relevant data here ☺️
This girl:
I'm simple, sexy, cute, kind, genuine, married and loyal <3 I love to take it slow to a certain point. Maybe you can reach that point with me <3
My Play
I start from beginning to end. Come get me warmed up, heated, and damn near passed out xD I love to start out slow, relaxed, and laid back, working my clit and being encouraged to get gushy. Let me edge and by the time we achieve my first goal, you may find me struggling to contain myself :3 Watch me squirm until I'm finally able to gobble down toys of all my yummy holes, getting into hardcore territory of down-bad fucking, gaping and destroying <3 come love on me until I beg you to use me to your heart's desire <333