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Noch keine Bewertungen. Sei der Erste – starte eine Privat-Show!
My schedule:
Monday 10 am-6 pm
Tuesday 10 am-6pm
Wednesday 10 am-6pm
Thursday 10am-6pm
Friday 10pm-6pm
Saturday 10pm-6pm
Sunday Day off
About Me!
Hey everybody
I am Sandra, a 31 yo woman
My hobbies are drawing, painting, reading and writing.
I am very empathic and I don't judge anybody.
In my room I will adapt to everybody as long as it is respect ( this means that if you respect me you will not ask for free for anything, you will respect other members in my room) So politeness is important.
In my room I will do naked shows and when I will be in that period of the month I will not show my kitty but there is no problem because we can talk about many subjects.
Or we can play games!!! Follow me and let's be friends and feel good!
New competition!!!!!!
The king of the month will receive a 10 min private with me...all you have to do is make sure you tip!
I will announce the winner at the end of the month
Date of today is 16.08.2021
My menu
Any tip matter-1 tk
If you like me-2 tk
PM-8 tk
Bite lip-9 tk
Teasing face-10 tk
Suck finger-12 tk
Suck toe-15 tk
Ahegao-16 tk
Any 3 spanks- 23 tk
Any flassh-25 tk
Naked doggy-33 tk
Oil tits-35 tk
Cream on face and chest-37 tk
Change song-38 tk
Change outfit-39
Write on body-40 tk
Say something-41 tk
Masturbate 2 min-50 tk
Get naked 5 min-70 tk
JOI-75 tk
c2c-80 tk
Control lush 3 min- 111 tk
Interesting games in my room!!!!!
Truth or DARE!!!!
2 tk for truth and 5 tk for DARE!
44 Prizes in a bowl!!!
5 Tippers for 5 Tokens
Everyone from all the 5 tippers that tipped 5 tokens has to say a word that will form something that I will perform!
ASK about them in my room!