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Hey everyone!
Just a heads-up, I'm unable to accept any free requests because that would be unfair to the people who have been generous with their tips.
I'm always open to hearing your ideas. Feel free to leave a comment or send me a PM and let me know what you'd like to see more of in the menu.
Let's keep the show fun and enjoyable for everyone!
🚫 Forbidden actions 🚫
[Do not interfere with the delivery process].
Please don't do anything that stops the distributor from doing their job, slanders them, or disturbs the viewers. We may mute or block you and report you to STRIPCHAT management.
Recording, Unauthorized Reproduction, and Selling Prohibited
You cannot record or reprint ⚫.
If we find out that you've made copies of videos or images without permission, we may ask for information about you, claim damages, or report you to the police.
Screenshots and recordings are not allowed (nor are memorializing effects, etc.) 😢
⚠️ Please note ⚠️
I'm bound by the Japanese legal system and STRIPCHAT rules, so I can't respond to any requests that go against these rules.
Please note that if you ask for something that isn't on the gift menu, I might not be able to give it to you. No refunds will be made in such cases.
I'm afraid I won't be able to respond to requests after the Ticket Chat or Group Chat has been announced 😭.
Ticket chat is considered successful 10 minutes after it starts, and no refunds will be given even if the chat is terminated due to a system error.
Tickets purchased before the chat starts won't be refundable, so please be careful when buy...