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Noch keine Bewertungen. Sei der Erste – starte eine Privat-Show!
Club Fans
Hi, my name is Nini. be kind and do not voice your grievances in my room. If you are in a bad mood, you can share about it and I will do my best to make you feel better. But if you decide to try and ruin the day for me, you won't be able to do it (ban exists).
Therefore, let's see only good in each other and accept all the shortcomings. Welcome to me)( I don't look for a relationship, I want to make friends and get a pleasant time to you
My Rules
1. Don't ask for a free show.
2. Do not be rude and do not manipulate (you will not succeed).
3. Respect my knight and do not take my or his requests for an insult.
4. I am the boss in this room so you don't need to teach me what to do and how to do it.
5. Don't ask me for a dirty show (I won't p*e and p*op)
6. Don't ask for a date, I don't do that.
With me, you will find Intelligent Seduction and Joy
Enter the world of a woman who defies convention with her unmatched charm. Seductive, beautiful and intelligent, her presence is a symphony of sensuality and cunning. Every movement exudes confidence, every word a flash of wit. But what truly sets her apart is her undeniable aura of sexuality, an irresistible combination of passion and magnetism that leaves everyone captivated. She is the very personification of feminine power, a modern goddess who is not afraid to show her most seductive and provocative side.💋😈😇
My lifestyle: ninidallas2
¿Are you the one who makes me happy?
My knight is the one who fully respects me and accepts who I am, he always helps and supports me. Thank you for your endless love!❤