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Noch keine Bewertungen. Sei der Erste – starte eine Privat-Show!
About me
🦋 My name is Sasha! 🦋
I am a girl who can be called Amsterdam in a person. Inspired by the city where the past and the future merge, where old houses and modern buildings live side by side, and free canals always lead to new discoveries.
When I like something, I strive for it, be it a fresh exhibition in a museum, a trip along the canal or an evening in a cafe with friends. I am not afraid to be vulnerable, open, real. My energy is a mixture of calm and dynamics, like water in a canal that never stands still, but always flows smoothly, along its own path. It is always interesting in my company, I can talk about philosophy, or I can talk about how cool it is to just go out of town to spend a day in silence, away from the noise. And in this context, my life is a constant search for harmony and beauty, be it in art, people or even the simplest things.
I am not afraid to be different and unconventional, and this is what makes me so attractive to others.
I hope we can become friends ❤️
Room rules
Please note the rules of my room
1. Respect and politeness. Insults, threats and harassment are prohibited. Mutual respect is the basis of communication in the room.
2. Payment and tips. All requests or desires related to private shows or additional services must be paid before the performance begins.
In some cases, the model may offer various packages or bonuses for tips.
3. Ask about fetishes in person.